9 Benefits Of Social Media That Will Help Your Blog Succeed

9 Benefits Of Social Media That Will Help Your Blog Succeed

Technology has been one of the biggest influential factors in modern society, and the development of social media definitely marked a major change in the way we behave. But, why is social media important?

Since they first became popular in the mid-2000s, platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have become a norm for people across the world. With more than 2.7 billion active users worldwide, they have also become a tool you can use to grow and popularize your blog.

Social media has numerous benefits that can lead to a huge increase in the number of monthly visitors you get on your blog. Not only do they have millions of active users, but they also have the ability to share media and information about their users’ interests.

Although becoming a prolific blogger is an art form of its own, blogs often experience a great boost in performance when paired with a social media strategy. Creating great content is an awesome start, but you also have to get your posts in front of your readers’ eyes.

Socia Media Today

This is where social media comes in.

Sharing compelling and useful content can help you build a reader base quickly and effectively. Moreover, readers can share your content with their friends, who are more likely to look at your content because it’s being recommended by someone they know.

Creating a social media profile for your blog and designing an entire campaign around it can help you drive more readers to your blog, allowing you to promote growth without spending more money.

The Benefits Of Social Networking For Blogs

Combining a blog with social media platforms effectively can result in a huge traffic boost for your online publication. Not only are you likely to get more exposure, but your readers will be able to access you through one of their favorite channels.

Using your social media profiles in unison with your blog can help you:

1- Increase Your Blog’s Recognition

Your blog should have a recognizable logo and overall branding scheme. This can include a particular color combination or other branding strategies that readers can recognize quickly and associate with your brand right away.

2- Build A Loyal Fan Base

As we mentioned before, social media shares are as good as personal recommendations. Writing compelling content that helps one person can quickly become a social media phenomenon that drives huge amounts of traffic your way.

Loyal Fanbase on Social Media

3- Interact With Readers Through Their Preferred Channels

Users spend a whopping 26% of their total mobile usage time on social media networks, so they offer the best chance for you to connect with your audience while they are on their mobile devices.

4- Direct Traffic To Your Blog

The success of your blog will depend on the number of visitors you receive. Your social network shares get you exposure, and exposure means more traffic for your blog, leading it to greater success.

Blog Trafic

5- Improve Subscription Rates

Your blog should have a subscription option for a monthly or bi-weekly newsletter. Increasing your subscription rate can boost your chances of landing legitimately interested readers who want to receive regular updates about your site.

6- Enhance Search Engine Rankings

Search engines don’t take social presence directly into account when calculating rankings, but social profiles can also rank on search engine results pages.

Google Results

If you have an active profile where you constantly share information about your blog, it can help you rank higher on search engines and bring in more traffic.

7- Collect Valuable Information About Your Potential Readers

Blogs always offer a good way for authors to collect information about their reader base through comments, but social media has taken it to a whole new level. You can now use posts and run surveys to gather information about your potential readers straight from the source.

8- Open Direct Communication Lines

Besides collecting information, social networks can help you communicate and listen to your readers’ praises and requests. Not only can you learn about what they like and what they want more of, but you also show them that their opinion matters to you.


9- Distribute Your Content

Lastly, social media is the perfect channel for you to share your new blog posts or any updates and changes you make to your website. You have the option of simply sharing it on your page and relevant groups or designating a budget and choosing to go for paid advertising.

Final Thoughts…

Social media platforms have become one of the biggest trends in the world, and have captivated people from all generations. Creating a social media profile and using it to boost your blog’s performance is a cost-effective, efficient way to generate more traffic to your platform.



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