Which Social Networks Should You Be Using?

There is no concrete answer to this question. It all depends on your business and what you’re trying to accomplish. Yes, it’s good to have your name out on some of the larger social networks, but do your research first to find out which ones fit your brand. This article will share some general information about different platforms, but make sure to do further research before choosing which platform to use.

Finger With Popular Social Media Logo Printed On Paper.

Using Pinterest

RJMetrics’ analysis states that more than 90% of all pins are created and shared by women on Pinterest. Thus, if you’re target audience is males, this might not be the right platform for you.

Using Facebook

Personally, I think everyone should be on Facebook. Unfortunately, they mostly want your money for advertising and it’s hard to reach anyone who likes your group if you’re not willing to dish out some dough. On the plus side, I think Facebook ads are FANTASTIC. You can target your audience by age, gender, city and my all time favourite, by what they already like on Facebook.

For example, if I’m trying to promote a yoga blog, I’m going to target Facebook users who like Yoga or LuLuLemon. 

Using Instagram

I’m also a big fan of Instagram. Their paid ads are newer so I’m not overly familiar with them just yet, but I do find this platform to be a great way to get your name out there. You can use hashtags to target an audience and you can also interact with your demographic (see what they like, figure out what hashtags they normally use).

Instagram is my current favourite social platform. I wrote an eBook on how to double your Instagram following fast, which you can sign up for anywhere on this website.

Does buying Instagram followers work? This is also a topic I’ve explored and tested out for a few different companies and accounts. It only works in your favour if you do it safely and effectively.

Keep in mind, that according to Business Insider, over 95% of Instagram users are under the age of 35.  

Using Twitter

It’s not the platform I concentrate most on, but I have had a lot of traffic from it and actually made some really great friends in Toronto. This is one platform I recommend you get out of your niche in. Find out what the most popular topics of the day are and figure out how you can integrate your company or involve yourself in that topic.

Infographic created by Clover Network, a restaurant POS provider


I didn’t cover every social network. There are a ton more you can utilize like Snapchat, Reddit, Linkedin, Google+, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Youtube and Vine. I didn’t talk about each one because I really just want to give you an idea of what different platforms offer and things to look for before signing your business up for one. Do your research! Also, stay up to date on the platform you’re using. Read articles about the latest metrics on audience, what time is best to post your content, what kind of content works best and how to get more likes, comments or shares.

And lastly, one of the best advice I’ve ever been given by a marketing professional is:

Pick 2-3 platforms and do them REALLY well

Don’t get on every social media platform available and spread yourself too thin. Managing social media is a very time consuming task, don’t overwhelm yourself. If your business grows, then so can your social media reach (and maybe you can hire someone to help out).


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