If you’re looking to hire a creative, talented, motivated creative director, you may be interested in hiring a creative director like Bennet Schwartz. He is a creative director who has achieved extraordinary levels of success in both the United States and Australia. The latter of which Schwartz now calls home. If you want to hire a creative director who is as passionate about digital design and print design as Bennet Schwartz, simply continue reading to discover a few traits which you should look for.
What to Look for in finding a Creative Director like Bennet Schwartz:
Great problem-solving skills:
A creative director should enjoy solving complex issues and should relish in the opportunity to come up with creative solutions to problems. Your future creative director should also be able to help your clients solve their design issues, by thinking out of the box and coming up with innovative design solutions that will wow your clients. Especially if you want to attract repeat customers.
Choose a creative director which specializes in multiple different forms of creative design:
While many businesses opt for creative directors that only specialize in digital design as digital design has become incredibly influential in today’s day and age, it’s still well worthwhile opting to hire an individual that has talent in multiple forms of creative design. Just like Bennet Schwartz, who is interested in traditional print design as well as modern, digital design. As creative individuals who specialize in multiple creative disciplines can take techniques from one discipline and can use them in other disciplines. So a creative director like Bennet Schwartz, can take inspiration from print designs and use them in his digital designs so that they have a unique, innovative look.
An individual who isn’t afraid of a professional challenge:
If you don’t want a creative director who will remain stagnant, it’s a wise idea to select an individual who isn’t afraid of a challenge and has proven that they actively seek out creative adventures and endeavors. Just as Bennet Schwartz did when he decided to take on a new professional adventure and left the United States in order to help the burgeoning creative design sector in Australia grow from strength to strength.
Someone who is a people person and has great interpersonal skills:
A creative director should enjoy collaborating with their team and should be a people person who enjoys working as part of a cohesive team. As a creative director will spend a large part of each working day talking through project designs with their team members. Keep in mind that no matter how smart or accomplished a candidate is, if they don’t have the interpersonal skills to effectively lead your team, they’re not the right person for your job.
So if you’re currently in the process of looking for a new Creative Director for your growing business and would love to hire someone like Bennet Schwartz, it’s well worth searching for a candidate who boasts all of the skills that are listed above.