Category Archives for Blog

My WordPress Posts Won’t Space Right – Here’s How To Fix That

One of the most common questions I get about WordPress is in relation to people having formatting issues in their posts, pages or widgets. Even before I learned HTML and CSS, I wrote down a couple key

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What Happened When I Bought Instagram Followers

Ever thought you might want to buy Instagram followers? I’m always looking for ways to increase my social media presence and test out services available. Instagram is currently my favourite social

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Stay Motivated While Working Remote

Get up Make coffee Turn on the news Turn on my laptop Check emails (and by check emails I mean, check Facebook, Instagram, email my sister… look to see if those cute boots are on sale yet…) You

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Simple Tips to Increase Your Ranking in Google

People will always find ways to trick or scheme their way up in Google Search results. I made an amazing income while traveling the world by somewhat doing this. The work I did was against “Google

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Which Social Networks Should You Be Using?

There is no concrete answer to this question. It all depends on your business and what you’re trying to accomplish. Yes, it’s good to have your name out on some of the larger social networks,

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The Difference Between WordPress Posts and Pages

So what’s the deal? You just started your first WordPress website and you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed. Don’t let it discourage you, once you learn some basic information and a few simple

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Why You Should Use WordPress is a custom management system that allows users to update and publish content on their website without getting their hands dirty in code. It gets more unique visitors per month that Amazon

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